Sunday, March 27, 2016

Student Spotlight: Luba Hristova

While our paths didn’t fully cross until Parks & People 2016, Luba and I started our Penn State experiences together in Hartranft Hall. Luba lived in the same building, Hartranft Hall, where I was the Residence Life Coordinator last year. Luba was born in Canada and calls State College home. She is studying both Community, Environment, and Development and Geography.

Luba recalled how she knew nothing when she left home for Parks & People. She didn’t know anyone, and she wasn’t sure where we were going, but it was worth it to take the opportunity. Luba feels that an experience like Parks & People is more beneficial than a study abroad to somewhere like Europe because this program really takes you out of your comfort zone. Luba feels that the mentality of not holding back on an experience was important. 

Luba said that time really did fly because she was having fun on Parks & People 2016. One of the things that made this experience so amazing for Luba was the people along the way who were so passionate about their causes. The leaders we met were faced with such big problems, but never talked about being overwhelmed. Instead, they started with what they had to make the world better. For Luba, seeing people like Brenda in Khayelitsha helped teach that there’s no need to be overwhelmed, we can all change the world.

For our play, Luba played the role of the monkey. She says she’s not typically the first to volunteer for such a gig because she isn’t really big on kids and she knew acting would be out of her comfort zone. Not only did Luba go for it, she did great with it! It was fun to see Luba’s energy in the play carry through the group.

Luba acknowledged that one of the hardest parts of the Parks & People experience is that you can get “stuck in one personality” because you’re with the same small group for 10 weeks straight. Luba explained how you have to be internally strong to be true to your own personality and feels that this experience tests your personality. While she enjoys goofing around, Luba also feels her opinion and intelligence matter. She didn’t want her intelligence to get lost in the silliness. No worries, Luba, it didn’t J

If Luba was able to make a change to the program she would expand the program and utilize the full semester. In that time, she would explore the northern part of South Africa and visit places like Durban. In the future, Luba could envision herself coming back to South Africa for a graduate program in Cape Town.

The most beautiful sight in South Africa was the cows on the golf course at The Haven Hotel. Luba explained how this was so unique and so beautiful. Another beautiful memory was being awaken by singing when we went camping in the mountains.

When asked what the world needs to know, Luba said, “This is corny, but…Do what’s best for your goals and change the world one step at a time.” Sure, we can call it corny, but it’s spot on.

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